Current News

Angels for Aging Campaign, Lehighton Office – December 2024

Kim Nivare passes her life and health licensing – November 2024
FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services is happy to announce Kimberly A. Nivare has passed her life and health licensing in the States of NJ and PA.
Nivare will be responsible for sales of new life insurance policies and servicing of existing life insurance policies for the agency.
Martinez attends the FCAA/MarshBerry In Motion Conference – October 2024


New hire, Margarita Heese, offers lots of insurance experience – September 2024

Nivare hired for a newly created position – June 2024
FRM Group Partners with NDES for their Field Day Event – May 2024

FRM Group supports NDES Race for Education - April 2024

Comeaux joins the team at FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services – January 2024
FRM Group receives membership award – September 2023

FRM Group partners with Monroe County Meals on Wheels – June 2023

NDES Field Day – May 2023

NDES Race for Education - April 2023

Kelly Murphy, President of Parent Network Organization at NDES, and DJ Jess

Principal Sister Dorothy and a few teachers
CEO and Account Manager, Personal Lines, records on radio – February 2023

FRM Group has a new agent joining the team, Dena M. Maisano – January 2023
FRM Group team attends the PBA 2023 Installation of Officers and Directors – January 2023

FRM Group Angels for Aging Campaign – December 2022
Local insurance agencies Angels for Aging campaign ensures seniors a happy holiday
(Stroudsburg/Lehighton) Recently, team members of FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services helped to load numerous gifts collected through the Angels for Aging campaign. These gifts were donated by clients, team members, the public, service clubs, and local businesses such as Phoenix Athletica, LLC. The offices partnered with Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, The Gardens at Stroud, and the Carbon County Area Agency on Aging. Every gift donated through this campaign was given to a Monroe or a Carbon County senior. Gifts included essentials, cozy throws, candy, and adult coloring books. In its eleventh year, this campaign continues to show seniors their community cares about them.
Mary Claire Megargle, Administrator, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, states, “We want to thank your team members, your clients and the public for your numerous donation of gifts to the older adults of Monroe County. Each year we are in awe of the generosity of others. Your gift will help our organization serve 100 older adults. We wish everyone could see the delight on the faces of our seniors, as this may be the only gift they receive during the holiday season. Your generosity is overwhelming. We look forward to working together in the coming years.”
“Thank you FRM Group for helping us bring our residents joy this holiday season,” says Christina Yohay, Activity Director, The Gardens at Stroud.
Susan Zeigler, Administrator, Carbon County Area Agency on Aging, states, “The Carbon County Area Agency on Aging would like to thank all those who purchased gifts for the Angels for Aging Giving tree. Through your generosity this year we were able to provide gifts for 50 Carbon County seniors. These gifts will help to brighten a senior’s Christmas. Thank you for your generosity.”
If you would like the FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services team to partner with your organization, you may contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer at 570-421-7447.

Monroe County Area Agency on Aging

The Gardens at Stroud

Carbon County Area Agency on Aging

Gwinn joins the team at FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services – September 2022
Operations Manager/Agent, Commercial Lines, Martinez participates in the NDES Field Day – June 2022
Jessica Martinez, FRM Group, DJ’ed the event for this year’s NDES Field Day.
FRM Group gave out Frisbees to all participants.
The students wore their Race for Education Shirts and according to the
smiles on their faces, had lots of fun during this outdoor event.

“We Protect What Matters Most!” – May 2022
In October 2020 Frailey Insurance and Financial Services was pleased to announce a partnership with Markley Insurance and Financial Services creating a risk management company, FRM Group. The partnership offers additional insurance and financial options and continues award-winning service. Together, Michael J. Frailey and Larry D. Markley and their team, continue to help protect you, your family and your businesses with expanded products and essential services.The combined firms, located in Stroudsburg and Lehighton, have a wealth of knowledge and will create personalized insurance programs and offer financial services solutions for retirement planning and much more.
Help us celebrate our rebranding by visiting our new
We value our relationships with new and existing clients.Please allow us the opportunity to review your insurance and financial needs. You can visit us at or contact us at570-421-7447 or 610-377-4382, or stop in and say hello and receive a FREE gift!
FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services supports NDES annual Race for Education – May 2022
Notre Dame Elementary School’s most successful fundraiser of the year was held on Monday, May 2, 2022. Families and friends were asked to join in helping support their students as they raced and helped raise funds for the students at school. Students raised funds via sponsorship. Past years funds have been used to support the refurbishment of the Cawley Auditorium, fund the purchase of new school-wide technology by adding iPads, computers, laptops, Chromebooks, and smart boards to their classrooms, update the wifi system, purchase and install the outdoor bench system at the recess field, enhance classroom magazine subscriptions and book collections, as well as the classroom air conditioning units. These funds also helped to support other activities throughout the typical school year such as holiday events, dance and field trips.
This year Jessica Martinez, Operations Manager/Agent, Commercial Lines, FRM Insurance Group, donated the entertainment during the race. “She does a magnificent job and is amazing with children. We are so very appreciative of the donation of water bottles donated by her firm. The students were so excited to receive them!’ states Kelly Murphy, president of Parent Network Organization (PNO).

Local insurance agency Angels for Aging campaign brings joy and comfort to seniors
(Stroudsburg) During this past 2021 Christmas season, team members of FRM Group helped load gifts collected through the “Angels for Aging” campaign. These gifts were donated by clients, team members, the public, service clubs, and local businesses. FRM Group partnered with Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, The Gardens at Stroud, and Carbon County Area Agency on Aging. Every gift donated through this campaign was given to a Monroe or Carbon County senior. Gifts included essentials, cozy bed blankets, flannel pajamas, candies and adult coloring books to name a few. In its tenth year, this campaign continues to show seniors their community cares about them.
Leslie Dietz, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging. helped to load and distribute the gifts. “The Monroe County Area Agency on Aging is deeply grateful for the overflowing generosity of the numerous donations gathered by FRM Group’s Angels for Aging campaign. Every single gift is provided to a low-income Monroe County senior. For most of these seniors, the donations from this campaign will be the only gifts they receive this holiday season. Thanks to the Frailey team, Monroe County’s most vulnerable, and often forgotten seniors; will receive joy this holiday season,” states Wanda J. Nicolo, Aging Case Aid II.
“On behalf of The Gardens at Stroud we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the gifts the Frailey team provided to our residents this Christmas season. These gifts brought smiles to the faces of the residents that are going through tough times. The Christmas spirit brings out the best in everyone especially those at FRM Group, Stroudsburg, PA. Providing gifts to all our residents of The Gardens at Stroud would not be possible without the love and care of the Frailey team,” says Travis Martin, Executive Director, The Gardens at Stroud.
Susan Zeigler, Administrator, Carbon County Area Agency on Aging states, “We would like to thank everyone who purchased a gift for our Carbon County seniors. When the gifts were delivered, we received thanks, bright smiles along with tears. Some of these seniors have not received a Christmas present for a very long time. Thank You for partnering with our agency to bring a little light to the Christmas Season.”
If you would like the FRM Group to partner with your organization, you may contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer at 570-421-7447 x105.



Warren County Community College

Warren Community College is a leader in many ways, educationally and in social issues. Warren can now add another milestone to its credit. The Board of Trustees recently elected a quartet of women as its Executive Board.
Yvonne L. Reitemeyer was picked as the new Chair, with Nancy Brown elected Vice Chair, Betti Singh as Secretary, and Maria Maier as Treasurer.
It is believed to be the first time that Warren’s Trustee Executive Board is all-women, and may be the first for any community college in New Jersey, and perhaps the country.
Reitemeyer had been the Vice Chair; she replaces Dr. Phil Linfante as the Trustee leader. Singh has been a longtime member of the Trustees and as an Executive Board Member.Brown has been a Trustee for several years; before that she was the Chair of the WCCC Foundation Board. Maier, a member of the Trustees for three years, joined the Trustees after serving with the Foundation for a number of years.
“This is an exciting time for Warren Community College,” said Reitemeyer. “We feel the college is on solid ground but we still have many challenges ahead. As a Trustee team we are all on the same page; that’s to make the Warren experience for students and the community be the best it can be and meet their needs.”
Photo, L-R, Yvonne L. Reitemeyer,Nancy Brown,Betti Singh, and Maria Maier
State College, PA— The Wildlife for Everyone Foundation (WFEF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Frailey (Monroe County) to its 16-member Board of Directors. The State College-based non-profit organization promotes wildlife conservation and education in Pennsylvania.
Frailey is owner/CEO of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, Stroudsburg. Michael Frailey is the third-generation owner of the family insurance business that was started by his grandfather in 1937. During his 32 years in the business, Frailey has received numerous awards from the Nationwide Insurance Company. He is an active member of the Kiwanis Club of Stroudsburg and the PA District Kiwanis International, serving in many positions. He was honored with titles of Distinguished Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Stroudsburg and Distinguished Governor of Kiwanis International. Frailey is an active member of Reeders United Methodist Church, Stroudsburg, serving as Administrative Council Chair and Missions Program Chair. He is a Board member of the Northeast PA Youth for Christ.
Other community involvements include the Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce, Monroe County Historical Association, the Pocono Builders Association and the Stroud Area Regional Tennis Association. He is involved with the Friends of Scouting Pocono District Fundraising Dinner and Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund. Frailey is a graduate of Grove City College, Grove City, PA. He and his wife, Leigh have one daughter. They live in Cherry Valley in the Pocono Mountains.
The Wildlife for Everyone Foundation was established in 2004 to provide all wildlife enthusiasts with a way to show their commitment through much-needed financial support for wildlife conservation efforts and education. Since its inception, the Foundation has supported projects including wildlife and wetland habitat improvements, creek and lake restorations, the Seedlings for Schools and Pollinator Garden programs and student educational opportunities. A fully accessible, ADA-compliant wetlands area that will provide residents of Pennsylvania with an outdoor learning space and nature observatory is planned for groundbreaking in late 2021. The Foundation’s mission connects all wildlife and nature enthusiasts to the great outdoors, including birders, hunters, anglers, students and everyone with an appreciation for nature. For more information, visit

During the recent Acuity Insurance Super Hero campaign, the team dressed in their Super Hero costumes to help celebrate. One of our agents, Chastity A. Brun-Ramos, knew the phrase of the day and was one of their many winners.
Acuity Insurance focuses on insuring contractors, builders/remodelers, carpenters, plumbers, and HVAC technicians just to name a few.
So if you are a commercial business, call Jessica Martinez, our Super Hero, at 570-421-7447 today. Or stop in and say hello to our entire team of Super Heroes.

(Stroudsburg) Recently, team members at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services helped to load numerous gifts collected through the Angels for Aging campaign. These gifts were donated by clients, team members, the public, service clubs, and local businesses such as Phoenix Athletica, LLC. Frailey Insurance and Financial Services partnered with Monroe County Area Agency on Aging and The Gardens at Stroud. Every gift donated through this campaign was given to a Monroe County senior. Gifts included essentials, cozy throws, candy, and adult coloring books. In its ninth year, this campaign continues to show seniors their community cares about them.
“Once again our vehicle was loaded with Christmas presents due to the generosity of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services. This is a difficult and challenging time for our residents. Donations like these will make this season merrier for the residents that are going through these tough times. The Christmas spirit brings out the best in everyone especially those at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services. Providing presents to all of our residents at The Gardens at Stroud would not be possible without the love and care of the Frailey team,” says Travis Martin, Executive Director, The Gardens at Stroud.
Tatiana Chaplar, Outreach, Information, Referral & Assessment Supervisor, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging helped to load and distribute the gifts. “Monroe County Area Agency on Aging has been partnering with Frailey Insurance for years and their continued support of our agency and our community is immeasurable, especially during these unprecedented times of the pandemic. The population we serve is more vulnerable than ever and to be able to provide them with joy and hope during the holiday season is that much more heartwarming.”
If you would like the Frailey team to partner with your organization, you may contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer at 570-421-7447.

Monroe County Area Agency on Aging

The Gardens at Stroud
On Dec. 9, members of the Carbon County Area Agency on Aging met at Markley Insurance and Financial Services to collect Christmas gifts donated for local seniors in the Carbon County area through a campaign organized by Angels for Aging.
During the campaign, the Carbon County Area Agency on Aging supplied the names of 45 seniors as well as two suggestions for Christmas presents to their partner in the campaign, Markley Insurance and Financial Services in Lehighton. Upon receiving the names and suggestions, the insurance company hung the seniors’ names and gift suggestions on a Christmas tree in their office for clients, public and staff to take. Once taking a name, these individuals were responsible for purchasing, wrapping and returning the seniors’ gifts to the Markley insurance office.
Susan Zeigler, administrator for the Carbon County Area Agency on Aging, said the agency provides services and assistance to people 60 or older to help them remain in their homes and provides social activities through senior centers, Medicare assistance, and protective services in cases of abuse or exploitation.
Zeigler said the senior names they provided for the Angels for Aging campaign were people who would likely not receive a present this year due to distant family or because they did not have a family at all. A majority of suggestions were provided by personal care aides who work through the agency, and the gifts suggested included items such as gift cards as well as blankets and bedding to keep warm during the winter months.
Zeigler said, “It’s going to help them know that somebody cares about them, that they’re not forgotten. I think with just the present it’s just a little token, but it’s going to help so much with that social isolation that they’re feeling right now and the despair that everybody is feeling right now ’cause this virus is really playing havoc on all of our mental health. We’re just trying to brighten up Christmas.”
Zeigler thanked Angels for Aging, Markley Insurance and Financial Services and the community for their help in making the campaign a success, saying, “It’s very humbling to see the outpouring of the community in this project. It was more than what we expected.”
Larry Markley of Markley Insurance and Financial Services also expressed the success of the event.
Although people who contributed were only asked to donate two items, many people provided even more than what was suggested.
“We do know that many people included sweets or candies or maybe just a few extra things for them so there’s likely over 100 gifts there,” Markley said.
With COVID-19 impacting the normal proceedings of the holiday season, especially for elderly individuals often at higher risk for contracting the virus, Markley said the campaign will have a positive impact on the seniors.
“Any Christmas is a special time, but probably with COVID and given the fact that many of these folks are probably seeing less of their loved ones than they might otherwise have, I think that this whole thing makes it just a little more special for those folks.”
Markley said he hopes to expand the Christmas tree for next year as well as the number of names on it to provide even more gifts to those in need.
Michael J. Frailey, CEO, and Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer, Marketing Adviser, attends the one year anniversary celebration Mansion House Bridge, D&L Trail, Jim Thorpe. After a brief ceremony, they biked from the Bridge to Weissport; afterwards enjoyed some ice cream at Woods. Michael holds a copy of Martha Capwell Fox’s new book on the Industrial History of the Corridor.

Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer, Martha Capwell Fox, author, and Michael J. Frailey.

Bikers arrive in Weissport after biking on the D&L Trail from the Mansion House Bridge, Jim Thorpe.
Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer, Michael J. Frailey, Brian T. Greene, director of Trails & Conservation, D&L National Heritage Corridor and a fellow biker.
A Christopher Mangold and Nyssa R. Nelson, Commercial Sales Representatives of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, attend the Pocono Builders Association summer mixer at Eagles Rest Cellars.

Making residents at The Gardens at Stroud smile during the holiday and showing them “Some ‘bunny’ was thinking of them today!” – April 2020

Local insurance agency Angels for Aging campaign brings comfort to seniors – December 2019
(Stroudsburg) During the recent holiday, team members at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services helped to load numerous gifts collected through the “Angels for Aging” campaign. These gifts were donated by clients, team members, the public, service clubs, and local businesses such as Phoenix Athletica, LLC. Frailey Insurance and Financial Services partnered with Monroe County Area Agency on Aging and The Gardens at Stroud. Every gift donated through this campaign was given to a Monroe County senior. Gifts included essentials, cozy bed blankets, and adult coloring books. In its eighth year, this campaign continues to show seniors their community cares about them.
“On behalf of The Gardens at Stroud we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the gifts the Frailey team provided to our residents this Christmas season. These gifts brought smiles to the faces of the residents that are going through tough times. The Christmas spirit brings out the best in everyone especially those at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services. Providing gifts to all our residents of The Gardens at Stroud would not be possible without the love and care of the Frailey team,” says Travis Martin, Executive Director, The Gardens at Stroud.
Kristina Trostle, Outreach, Intake, Referral & Assessment Supervisor, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging helped to load and distribute the gifts. “Monroe County Area Agency on Aging is humbled by the overflowing generosity of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services. Aging care Managers nominate low income seniors who receive services and lack a support system. For most of these seniors, the donations from this campaign will be the only gifts they receive this holiday season. Thanks to the Frailey team, Monroe County’s most vulnerable, and often forgotten seniors; will receive joy this holiday,” states Trostle.
If you would like the Frailey team to partner with your organization, you may contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer at 570-421-7447 x105

Monroe County Area Agency on Aging

The Gardens at Stroud
Herscap continues her personal growth at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services

Herscap attended Pocono Mountain Senior High School and has previously worked for the Monroe County Court House; Mt. Airy Casino and Resort and several retail businesses throughout the county. A native of Monroe County, she’s extremely active in various community organizations such as Relay for Life Greater Pocono-Committee and Team Captain for Cardinals for a Cure Pocono Mountain Class of 1985. She currently lives in Jackson Township, is a mother of three and a grandmother of 2 grandsons. She enjoys singing karaoke, reading and camping. At the top of her list, however, is traveling with her daughter and supporting Kay’s photography business.
For more information, visit
Kinsley’s ShopRite Grocer’s Fight Cancer Day Event – September 2019

Frailey, Bowyer and Yvonne Reitemeyer, Financial Adviser, recently participated as ”Celebrity Baggers” at the 25th Annual Grocer’s Fight Cancer Day Event which was held at Kinsley’s ShopRite in Brodheadsville, PA. Kinsley’s is donating a percentage of its total sales to the American Cancer Society for research, advocacy, education and patient services.
For more information, visit
Frailey Team Members Volunteer to Paint Paul’s House – July 2019

Representing the company is Arthur D. White, Commercial Sales Representative, and Jennifer L. Herscap, Office Administrator. The Major Paul Syverson Veteran’s Sanctuary in Jonas got a much-needed fresh coat of paint and more, thanks to the efforts of Habitat for Humanity and the Pocono Builders Association. Being a member of the Pocono Builders Association, the Frailey team stepped up to help. “It was extremely hot but it was for such a good cause. We just kept drinking lots of water,” stated Herscap.
White, who joined the Monroe County Habitat Board last year and has been serving on the PR committee, was elected Vice President at their recent reorganization meeting. Paul’s House, formerly Hotel Jonas, provides food, shelter and other essential services to veterans.
She Nailed It! Competition – May 2019

Jennifer L. Herscap. Barbara Marchette, Team Captain, ESSA Bank & Trust and Art D. White, Commercial Sales Representative, FIFS and MCHFH volunteer.

Jennifer L. Herscap, Office Administrator, FIFS, participating in the Monroe County Habitat for Humanity’s third annual She Nailed It! Competition held at Memory Town in Mt. Pocono.Congratulations to Weiler Brush winners of this year’s competition.
Local Agent helps with community clean-up – April 2019

Michael Moreno, Pocono Chamber of Commerce, Courtney J. Woodson, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, Tiffany Cappuccino, First Northern Bank, Misozi Houston, Monroe County United Way, Shantelle Johnson, Sorrenti Cherry Valley Vineyard and Brian Davis, Full Circle
STROUDSBURG, PA – Recently Courtney J. Woodson, Member Protection Sales Associate, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, helped clean up designated locations along various roads in Smithfield Township. The Clean-up was hosted by the Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort. They met early in the morning for registration and breakfast. There were a total of nine groups including the Professional Leaders of Tomorrow (P.L.O.T.) group of which Woodson is a member. Afterwards the’s and all volunteers were treated to hamburgers provided by the Gem & Keystone Restaurant.
Most of the trash was of the usual kind with the exception of a few golf balls that strayed from the Shawnee Golf Course and an EZ-Pass. “It was a chilly and wet day but I’m so glad I was able to work side-by-side with my friends to help keep our Pocono Mountains beautiful,” stated Woodson.
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services is located at 1286 N. Ninth Street in Stroudsburg, PA.
For more information, visit or call 570-421-7447.
SARTA Supports the Community by Donating Benches – April 2019

CEO Invites Team to Lunch for National Volunteer Month – April 2019

Michael J. Frailey honored with the 2019 Richard “Dick” Seip Distinguished Citizen Award – April 2019

(Stroudsburg) Scouting builds character, leadership, and achievement in youth and helps build strong families, schools and communities. Scouting leads to increased levels of academic success, higher high school & college graduation rates, higher self-confidence, being better prepared to handle emergencies, being a leader among their peers, and believing that they should help others in need.
At the recent Pocono Friends of Scouting Dinner, Michael J. Frailey was honored with the 2019 Richard “Dick” Seip Distinguished Citizen Award. “Scouting was an important part of my upbringing and training, as were my family, church, and sports. In many ways no matter what the activity, the ‘rules’ were the same:respect for others, fair play, striving to grow and learn more, and serving others,” stated Frailey during his acceptance speech.
Frailey is the owner and CEO of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, insurance and financial experts for more than three quarters of a century, located in Stroudsburg, PA. He uses these traits in his everyday operations. Dr. John Brinker, Friends of Scouting dinner chairman, had the privilege of presenting the award. Frailey’s family, friends and team members were also in attendance as he graciously accepted the well-deserved award.
For more information about Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, visit
Adviser Achieves Membership in Million Dollar Round Table

Go Live on Café with Christina – February 2019

Brun joins the team at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services

Stroudsburg insurance agency, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, named Chastity A. Brun Member Protection Sales Associate. She has more than 16 years of experience within the Insurance Industry and a background in account management. As an insurance professional Brun will focus on increasing the agency’s client base while concentrating on new sales and promoting new products.
She graduated from Kingsborough Community College with a degree in Business Administration. Currently living in the Poconos, a mother of 3, she knows the importance of “protecting what matters most” which is family. She enjoys cooking and finds time to volunteer with the Salvation Army
Brun’s experience and knowledge within the insurance industry provides the skills necessary to ensure her clients have peace of mind.
Angels for Aging Campaign – December 2018
Local insurance agency Angels for Aging campaign brings comfort to seniors
(Stroudsburg) Recently team members at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services helped to load numerous gifts collected through the “Angels for Aging” campaign. These gifts were donated by clients, team members, the public, service clubs, and local businesses such as Phoenix Athletica, LLC. Frailey Insurance and Financial Services partnered with Monroe County Area Agency on Aging and The Gardens at Stroud. Every gift donated through this campaign was given to a Monroe County senior. Gifts included essentials, cozy bed blankets, and adult coloring books. In its seventh year, this campaign continues to show seniors their community cares about them.
“On behalf of The Gardens at Stroud we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the gifts the Frailey team is providing to our residents this Christmas season. Our community is blessed to have an organization such as yours so gracious and caring. Your kindness and generosity will reach the hearts of so many of our residents this holiday season. These gifts are a beautiful reminder of the kindness that exists in our community and they will help bring joy to some of the most deserving and often forgotten people in our community,” says Stephen Maganzini, Administrator, The Gardens at Stroud.
Kristina Trostle, Outreach, Intake, Referral & Assessment Supervisor, Monroe County Area Agency on Aging helped to load and distribute the gifts. “Monroe County Area Agency on Aging is humbled by the overflowing generosity of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services. Aging care Managers nominate low-income seniors who receive services and lack a support system. For most of these seniors, the donations from this campaign will be the only gifts they receive this holiday season. Thanks to the Frailey team, Monroe County’s most vulnerable, and often forgotten seniors; will receive joy this holiday,” states Trostle.
If you would like the Frailey team to partner with your organization, you may contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer at 570-421-7447 x105.

Monroe County Area Agency on Aging

The Gardens at Stroud

GPCC Ugly Sweater Mixer – December 2018
Frailey Team attends the Pocono Builders Association Awards Dinner – October2018

Art D. White, Commercial Sales Representative, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, attends the 2018 Building Awards Dinner at Stroudsmoor Inn.
(Photo left to right)Janet Campis, Executive Director, Pocono Builders Association, and Art D. White, Commercial Sales Representative, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services.

Michael J. Frailey, CEO, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services attends the 2018 Building Awards Dinner at Stroudsmoor Inn.
(Photo left to right) Bob Buff of Buff Construction and Michael J. Frailey, CEO, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services.

2018 Grocer’s Fight Cancer Day – September 2018
Recently Frailey Insurance and Financial Services participated in the 24th Annual Grocer’s Fight Cancer Day Event at Kinsley’s ShopRite in Brodheadsville. “Our Celebrity Bagger,” Yvonne Reitemeyer, helped raise awareness of cancer and enjoyed bagging groceries throughout the morning. The Kinsley Family donated a portion of the sales to the Monroe Unit of the American Cancer Society.
(Photo left to right)
Chris Kinsley, Kinsley ShopRite, and Yvonne L. Reitemeyer, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services.

Kinsley’s ShopRite 5th Annual Golf Invitation – June 2018
Smiling faces during Kinsley’s ShopRite 5th Annual Golf Invitation. Proceeds benefit the ShopRite Partners in Caring Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps to fund food cupboards thorough the Allentown Second Harvest Food Bank network.
(Photo left to right)
Rhianna Cenci, tournament coordinator, Tracey Pal Izzi, Chris Kinsley and Yvonne L. Reitemeyer, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services

Devereux Pennsylvania – June 2018
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services has supported Devereux Poconos’s custom printed golf tee program since 2012.
Contact us to see how this program can help your brand too.
(Photo left to right)
Kyrstie Reiby and Devereux consumers, Danica L. Overcash, Member Protection Sales Associate, Jennifer L. Herscap, Adm. Assistant/Office Manager, Kiara, Jalisa White, Agency Ambassador and Michele A. Frailey-Miller, COO
Go Live on Café with Christina – June 2018

Woodson joins the team at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services

Stroudsburg insurance agency, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, named Courtney J. Woodson Member Protection Sales Associate.
Mid-May of 2018 Woodson passed the state exam for her Property and Casualty license and has been meeting and servicing clients ever since.
As an insurance agent Woodson will focus on increasing the agency’s growth and satisfying the needs of existing clients.
She graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Prior to getting her license, she has spent most of her professional career in Human Services as a Director of programs for adults with disabilities. Moving from Teaneck, NJ, to East Stroudsburg, PA, she’s currently her mother’s caregiver and a mother to a daughter, an East Stroudsburg Mini Mountie cheerleader. Whenever her daughter and nephew need a chaperon for a class trip or a volunteer for a class project, Woodson doesn’t hesitate to lend her support. She understands the true meaning of “protecting what matters” most which is the family.
Go Live on Café with Christina – May 2018

Reitemeyer goes to Washington, D.C. – May 2018
On May 23rd, Yvonne L. Reitemeyer, Financial Adviser, at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, attended the 2018 NAIFA Congressional Conference in Washington, D.C. “800 NAIFA members met with legislators to discuss legislative issues important to financial services and to help us protect our clients’ best interests.”
Photo (left to right):
George R. Shadie, AEP,CLU; Stephen Coffey; Yvonne L. Reitemeyer ChFC, CLTC and Louis Pettinato, Financial Specialist
Reitemeyer named to WCCC Trustee Board – January 2018
(Stroudsburg) Yvonne L. Reitemeyer, a financial advisor of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services and a 2013 Warren County Community College graduate is now a member of the WCCC Board of Trustees. She was appointed to the Board by N.J. Governor Chris Christie.
Reitemeyer has a very extensive resume and is currently on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Lehigh Valley. In her community, she formerly served on the Lopatcong Township Council, was the Vice President of the Lopatcong Township PTA, and currently serves as secretary of the Phillipsburg High School Soccer Booster Club. She is a resident of Lopatcong Township, New Jersey, married to Mark and a mother of 2.
“I am very honored and humbled to be named as a trustee for Warren Community College. I look forward to working with the board to keep quality education affordable to the residents of New Jersey and specifically, Warren County.”
For more information, contact Yvonne L. Reitemeyer at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, 570 421-7447 x233 or
Angels for Aging Christmas Tree Project – December 2017

Go Live on Café with Christina – December 2017

Winner announced at fall tack swap – October 2017

During the fall tack swap at Johnsonville Farm & Garden in Bangor, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services was represented by Sandy Haley, the Farm Account Manager. Not only was she able to sell some of hertack, she made a few contacts with fellow horse-lovers. A raffle prize was donated by the company and the winner was Amanda Laforest.
Photo (Left to Right):
Sandy E. Haley and Amanda Laforest
White joins the team of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services

(Stroudsburg) Arthur “Art” D. White has been hired as a commercial sales representative, focusing on sales growth while fitting business needs to adequate insurance coverage. He has more than 25 years of experience and extensive property & casualty insurance experience. White has successfully launched niche insurance programs nationwide and has written hard-to-place business protection. His financial and business background provides value-add to clients when discussing insurance needs. He delivers a perfect fit in todays “not a ‘one-size fits all’ protection package” to all types of business owners.
“As a former owner of my own business and my experience working with small to large companies, I am able to help clients protect their business, meet their insurance goals and financial requirements,” said White.
He is currently a member of the Stroudsburg BNI Chapter and a graduate of Fordham University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Finance. Living in Blairstown, New Jersey, he enjoys golfing and volunteers for the Blairstown Dog Park.
For more information, contact, 570-421-7447.
Go Live on Café with Christina – October 2017

Pocono Record Readers’ Choice and Pocono Times Reader’s Choice Winners!

Insurance Company
1st Place Winner

Insurance Agent
1st Place Winner

Best Insurance Agency
Frailey team members help raise awareness of cancer during Kinsley’s Grocer’s Fight Cancer Day – September 2017

Danica L. Overcash, Yvonne L. Reitemeyer and
Carole Ann F. Bowyer
Go Live on Café with Christina – September 2017

The Fraileys Go Live on Café with Christina, Latino radio
In the Pocono region of Pennsylvania – August 2017

80th Anniversary – June 2017
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services will be in business for 80 years.
For more info, check out our History page.
Trunks of Teddy Bears – May 2017

Trunks of teddy bears collected for the Pocono Township Police Department
(Stroudsburg) – Frailey Insurance and Financial Services’ team, their members, and the public once again came to the rescue. During the months of March through May, we collected a 2+ year supply of bears for the Pocono Township Police Department.
Sergeant Shawn Goucher states, “We use these teddy bears when responding to emergency situations where a child is a victim, or affected by a loved one being a victim. The bears help to comfort the children and help to gain their trust and confidence.”
“We’re always humbled by the show of support we receive from the community. We’re so happy we were able to replenish the Pocono Township Police Department supply and we’re thankful for the number of individuals and businesses who stopped by to drop off bears,” states Michael J. Frailey, Chief Executive Officer.
For more information about Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, visit or call 570-421-7447.
Local Agent Receives “CLCS” Designation – April 2017

Local Agent Receives “CLCS” Designation
Michele A. Frailey-Miller, CLCS
STROUDSBURG, PA – Michele A. Frailey-Miller, of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, has participated in a training program offered by The National Underwriter Company. We are happy to announce Frailey-Miller met the rigorous standard required for the designee status of “CLCS”, Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist.
The “CLCS” designation was developed by The National Underwriter Company to encourage and recognize excellence in understanding and applying coverage expertise in commercial property and casualty insurance.
“I feel so accomplished in achieving this designation. It will allow me to continue serving our members with a coveted mark of excellence that distinguishes me as a true professional,” states Frailey-Miller
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services is located at 1286 N. Ninth Street in Stroudsburg, PA.
For more information, visit or call 570-421-7447 and ask for Michele.
Team Continues to Volunteer Their Time – April 2017

Nationwide Thanks Local Agent – February 2017
Michael J. Frailey, LUTCF
COLUMBUS, OH – For the past three years, Michael J. Frailey, of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services served on the Nationwide National Agent Advisory Council. During that time he met with the President and Senior Officers of Nationwide Insurance Company.
Frailey’s input and feedback was instrumental in giving senior leaders insight as they worked their way through the many agency changes Nationwide is now implementing. Through discussions about client retention, member relationships, industry growth, company direction and future plans, Nationwide gained a different perspective about their members needs and what type of services they require. “Our members are now better served as these discussions result in a better insurance experience and overall value for our Monroe County residents,” states Frailey.
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services is located at 1286 N. Ninth Street in Stroudsburg, PA.
About Nationwide
Nationwide, a Fortune 100 company based in Columbus, Ohio, is one of the largest and strongest diversified insurance and financial services organizations in the U.S. and is rated A+ by both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s. The company provides a full range of insurance and financial services, including auto, commercial, homeowners and life insurance; public and private sector retirement plans, annuities and mutual funds; banking and mortgages; specialty health; pet, motorcycle, boat and farm insurance. For more information,
Nationwide, Nationwide is on your side, Join the Nation and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
For more information, contact Michael J. Frailey at 570-421-7447 or visit
Pocono Record Readers’ Choice Awards

Angels for Aging Christmas Tree Project, December 2016

Team Members Support Chemo Comfort Campaign, December 2016
What overwhelming support! We packed more than 100 chemo comfort bags for patients starting treatment at the Dale and Frances Hughes Cancer Center. Items were donated by more than 22 local businesses collected by the Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund volunteers.
Photo (left to right):
Michael A. Frailey-Miller, FIFS, Daria Wielebinski, HFS Volunteer, Tracy DeFranco, HFS Volunteer, Marynell Strunk, PMC, Carole’ Ann Bowyer, FIFS and HFS Co-founder, Lynn Steele, PMC, and Aalih Hussein, PMC

Financial Reality Fair, December 2016

Sandy E. Haley of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, recently joined other community businesses at Northampton Community College, Monroe Campus. Approximately 70 students attended the Financial Reality Fair sponsored by American’s Credit Unions and PSECU. It was a “real world” exercise where students had the opportunity to choose goods and services needed in everyday life, from car payments to insurance coverage. “I enjoy participating in this type of budgeting exercise as it gives students some practical knowledge about personal financial management in a one-day “real world” environment”, states Haley.
Photo (Left to Right):
State Representative Rosemary M. Brown and Sandy E. Haley, Member Protection Sales Associate and Farm Account Manager
We’re decorated for the holidays!

Community Outreach Project:“Pajamas and Book Collection”, August and September 2016
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services partners with Monroe County Children & Youth Services
(Stroudsburg) The “Pajama Program” is a national program that provides pajamas and books to children in need. Throughout the months of August and September, the Frailey team collected a generous supply; in early October, these donations were provided to Diane P. Rogers, Program Manager II, Foster Care Unit, of Monroe County Children & Youth Services.
"It was with heartfelt appreciation that I accepted your donations. The number and quality of pajamas plus the diversity of children’s books is incredible. Each of the donated items will provide comfort to a child that is in a challenging circumstance, such as in an out of home placement or living in a shelter. The children will be warmed by the pajamas and entertained by the fantastic literature,"stated Rogers.
Any organization wishing to partner with the Frailey team can contact Carole’ Ann F. Bowyer, Marketing Adviser,, 570-421-7447.

Josephine A. Fontan, Sandy E. Haley, Diane P. Rogers (Program Manager II, Foster Care Unit), Michele A. Frailey-Miler, Christine C. Reynolds and Peggie A. Livingston
Nationwide Infield Hospitality at Pocono Raceway; access to exclusive Danica Patrick and Jeff Gordon appearances, July 2016

RACE2FITNESS Event, July 2016

Devereux Pocono Golf Tee Program, June 2016
Since 2012 Frailey Insurance and Financial Services has participated in Devereux Pocono’s custom printed golf tee program.
To find out more about the Frailey Agency and how the golf tee program can help your brand, contact or 570-421-7447 x 223.
Photo (Left to Right):
Michael J. Frailey, the Devereux team and Nancy Pace, DS (Direct Support Professional)

Reitemeyer Receives National Award, June 2016
(Stroudsburg, PA) ― May 19, 2016 ― Yvonne L. Reitemeyer, Financial Advisor, Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, has received the NAIFA Quality Award from the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), the industry’s leading professional association.
The NAIFA Quality Award recognizes agents for their commitment to excellence in service to their clients and industry, their pursuit of education and training, and their adherence to NAIFA’s Code of Ethics. Agents who receive this award demonstrate that the products they sell will meet their clients’ needs.
“NAIFA is committed to recognizing and rewarding professionalism and achievement,” says Jules O. Gaudreau, Jr., ChFC, CIC president of NAIFA. “The NAIFA Quality Award recognizes individual agents for demonstrating the highest standards.”
“Frailey Insurance and Financial Services has built our business on doing what’s best for our client members. We’re proud that the leading financial services industry association has recognized Yvonne for her ongoing commitment to that core principle”, states CEO Michael J. Frailey.
About NAIFA: Founded in 1890 as The National Association of Life Underwriters (NALU), NAIFA is one of the nation’s oldest and largest associations representing the interests of insurance professionals from every Congressional district in the United States. NAIFA members assist consumers by focusing their practices on one or more of the following:life insurance and annuities, health insurance and employee benefits, multiline, and financial advising and investments. NAIFA’s mission is to advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, enhance business and professional skills, and promote the ethical conduct of its members. Visit NAIFA’s website at
For more information, contact Yvonne L. Reitemeyer at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, 570 421-7447 or
Certified Long Term Care (CLTC) Certification Awarded, May 2016

(Stroudsburg) Yvonne L. Reitemeyer of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, has earned a professional certification in the field of long-term care, Certified in Long Term Care (CLTC). The program is independent of the insurance industry and focuses on providing financial professionals the tools they need to meet their client’s long-term care needs.
All graduates complete a rigorous multidisciplinary course that focuses on the profession of long-term care planning. This program is recognized by state regulators, through the granting of continuing education credits, as having provided essential information necessary to the appropriate sale of long-term care insurance.
“Frailey Insurance and Financial Services is very active in our community. We treat our neighbors like family and strive to meet their many needs,” Reitemeyer said. “Many of our members have experienced the devastating effects chronic illness and worse, loss of a loved one, has had on their families. Few of these families can afford these costs. Long-term care insurance may be the solution. I am committed to provide the information members need to make the right decisions.”
Reitemeyer continues to say, “Long-term care insurance is a complex product. It offers many forms of protection and pricing structures. As a CLTC professional, I can help by knowing the right questions to ask. My goal, like all professionals, is to help them solve their needs.”
For more information, contact Yvonne L. Reitemeyer at Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, 570 421-7447 x233 or
Michele A. Frailey-Miller honored with the Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce ATHENA Award, April 2016
(Stroudsburg) In order to achieve this award, the recipient must meet three specific criteria. These are to assist women to be the best they can be; hold the highest level of professional accomplishments; and provide time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in our community.
Frailey-Miller considers herself not only a leader, but more importantly, a mentor. “If I can have a positive impact on another woman in the business world, I am a happy person! I don’t mind sharing my experience, successes, and even failures with them because it may help them to grow into stronger, more confident, proactive and fully engaged members of society,” she states.
As Chief Operations Officer of Frailey Insurance and Financial Services, she’s happy to say, “Our clients are our extended family; they are the fabric of our community. We strive to keep our focus local, and constantly search for ways to improve and protect the lives of our members. We live to serve.” People, who work with Michele, know she truly practices what she preaches. She has been instrumental in not only growing the family-owned business, but constantly stays on the edge of innovation.
As a life-long resident of Monroe County, Michele has become one of its most productive and engaged citizens. She firmly supports the endeavors of non-profit organizations on an on-going basis, evidenced by her most recent volunteer efforts with the Hope for Strength Breast Cancer Fund. In addition to her extensive involvement with numerous formal organizations, she performs personal outreach and support for widows and newly diagnosed cancer patients.
Frailey’s twin brother Michael proudly states, “My sister has accomplished all of this with the highest levels of integrity and respect from our team, members, friends and family. My family and I are so proud to see Michele making such an impact.”

2015 Pocono Record Readers’ Choice Awards – (3) 1st Place Awards!